STL Jazz Junction

Mae Wheeler - 'Lady Jazz' - 1934-2011
Jazz Atlanta Georgia - biography page

Jim Stevens - Saxophonist -

Tim Cunningham - Saxophonist -

David Sandborn - Saxophonist -

Anita Rosamond Band - Vocalist - Pianist -
Video of Anita at YouTube -

Denise Thimes - Vocalist - Pianist -

Dean Minderman - Editor of St. Louis Jazz Notes has his informative sites to help you find the jazz you seek in the St. Louis, MO area.  His sites gives news, list of jazz musicians in the area and a site for videos of some of the finest jazz musician of the St. Louis area past and present.  You will find a calendar site and a map site for concerts and jazz clubs in the area too.
Dean Minderman sites:
St Louis Jazz Notes - Find Full List of STL Jazz Musicians and News

St. Louis Jazz Notes Calendar of Jazz in the area
St. Louis Jazz Notes Club and Concert Venue Map
Heliocentric Worlds - Dean's Video site of musicians